Sunday, March 17, 2019

Offshore Safety at Sea Seminar

The USSailing organization has created an on-line version of their Offshore Safety at Sea Seminar that is sanctioned by race governing bodies such as the Chicago Race to Mackinac race committee as fulfilling requirements for crew members.

Karen and I attended the full day offshore safety at sea seminar in Chicago last year, and I was dubious that the on-line version could match that.  So I registered and paid for the Offshore Safety at Sea Seminar, and I'm partway through the video and printed materials.  The quality and breadth of the content is extremely good - it's really impressive.  

Topics in the seminar include lending search and retrieval assistance, life jackets and other personal safety equipment, ship's safety gear, medical conditions, weather conditions, boat handling, marine radio procedures, water immersion survival, and lots more.  Material is relevant for any type of sailing - not just sailing offshore.  There are 10 chapters of video and accompanying text and a (somewhat hokey) quiz to take after each.  

Registering for the on-line Offshore Safety at Sea Seminar costs $85.00.  You can sign in and out and get through the chapters at your own pace.  The registration lasts for 90 days.  The results of the quizzes are tabulated, and 80% is a passing score.  You can generate your personal Offshore Safety at Sea certificate after completing the seminar successfully.  

Please give serious consideration to attending this seminar and obtaining the certificate.  It is a very, very worthwhile investment in your safety and that of your crewmates and other sailors on the water!  

1 comment:

  1. If/when you successfully complete this course and get your completion certificate, please send a copy to me for my files. We can use it when registering for certain off-shore races. Thanks!
