Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Crew overboard lessons

This UK Sailmakers Newsletter has articles about crew overboard (COB) procedures.  It also contains a link to the report from the Chicago Yacht Club committee that investigated the fatal accident in last year's Chicago-Mac race.  

Reading this report is chilling.  I don't want to be morbid about it, but it is critical to be cognizant of the safety hazard inherent in someone going over the side into the water, no matter what conditions.  And this applies to everyone sailing a boat, whether offshore in extreme weather, coastal cruising, or having a casual daysail!  

Some conclusions from the CYC investigation involved safety equipment (the COB's auto-inflating lifejacket did not inflate), role assignments and executive communication on deck, and the fastest procedures for stopping the sailboat and retrieval.  It highlights the importance of practice to develop the skills for effective COB procedures!  Let's do it!

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