Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Safety at Sea courses

US Sailing offers safety at sea courses that are conducted by sailing professionals and cover a comprehensive set of safety topics applicable to offshore distance racing as well as coastal sailing.  They are offered as 1-day and 2-day sessions that also include on-the-water training.  It looks like the 1-day courses cost $180.  Organizing bodies of big races like the Chicago to Mackinac race recommend these courses.  There are interesting locations scheduled in the next several months, like San Diego, Long Beach, Boston, and Annapolis, but also Chicago and Muskegon.  The events close to home are:

  • January 14, 2017 (1-day course) - Chicago, McCormick Place (this is held during the Strictly Sail exposition)
  • March 11, 2017 (1-day course) - Columbia YC, Chicago 
  • May 6-7, 2017 (2-day course) - Muskegon YC, Muskegon

Safety at Sea course listing and curriculum

I'm going to attend either the January or March offering.  We could car-pool if you want to join in the fun!


  1. Another offering of this course is now scheduled at Chicago Yacht Club on April 1-2, 2017. Both a one-day and two-course are available.
