Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lindy Thomas

Karen and I had the honor to meet Lindy Thomas at the Chicago Yacht Club awards ceremony last night in which Lindy was inducted in the Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation Hall of Fame.  He is an energetic, articulate, funny, fascinating character.  And at 88 years old, he moves a lot better than I do!  He has sailed and raced on sailboats of all kinds all over the world.  He told us some stories of the history of the Thomas 35 - the sailboat that he created.  He remembered having our boat when it was new and sailing it in the Race to Mackinac in 1993.  He has competed in 41 Mac races (so far)!  We want to try to sail with him sometime either on ours or on the Thomas 35 he sails out of San Diego, where he lives now!  

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