Thursday, May 23, 2019

Bullet Continued!!

First place!!! 

Big thank you to Chris for outfitting the boat with new instruments and sails, your dedication to this sport and our sailing program is beyond words.

Big thank you to everyone who worked on the boat, especially Steve B. and Chris who logged at least 100 hours in cold, finger-freezing weather.  Hats off to you both and everyone else who helped work on the boat.

Great sail last night the only thing that would've made it better is if Dave and Sayer were there.


  1. I guess I didn't lean in far enough!! Caption - (Not pictured: Arson Mueller)

    Great picture gang and thanks for a nice evening. Thank you for putting up with me - go get 'em next week

  2. Thank you Karen for your comment. Thank you Anson for your coaching. Let's keep the streak alive and keep on winning!
