Thursday, May 23, 2019

Bullet Continued!!

First place!!! 

Big thank you to Chris for outfitting the boat with new instruments and sails, your dedication to this sport and our sailing program is beyond words.

Big thank you to everyone who worked on the boat, especially Steve B. and Chris who logged at least 100 hours in cold, finger-freezing weather.  Hats off to you both and everyone else who helped work on the boat.

Great sail last night the only thing that would've made it better is if Dave and Sayer were there.

First race a bullet!

Pretty good start to the 2019 racing season for Mercedes - a first place finish!  Congratulations to the Mercedes crew for sailing a great race!  

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sunset photo

Take a look at the colors in this photo that Molly (from Berrien RESA) took of Mercedes sailing last Thursday night, May 16!  Beautiful!  Thanks, Steve B., for sharing it.     

LMSuRF May newsletter

The May issue of the Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation newsletter is available.  There is an article about the St. Joseph River Yacht Club racing program by Gordy Dill and Jim Schrager in this issue.  They discuss how successful PHRF handicap racing is, but there are some holes in their logic!  Other, more scientific rating systems are becoming much more popular because they offer better speed predictive capabilities than PHRF does.   

Friday, May 10, 2019

Congratulations, Sayer!

Congratulations to Sayer for passing the Offshore Safety at Sea Course! It truly reflects a commitment to personal and crew safety. 

When you, too, finish the course successfully, send me (Chris) your completion certificate so I can similarly embarrass you! (I earned my certificate, too, but I'm too humble to post it here :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Personal flotation devices

Here's an important safety challenge for you!...  Wearing your inflatable personal flotation device (lifejacket), imagine you have accidentally gone over the side of the boat, and both the automatic water-sensing mechanism (if one is fitted) and the manual pull-cord fail to discharge the CO2 cartridge to inflate the lifejacket's bladder.  (This is what happened to the crew overboard victim in last year's Chicago-Mac race.)  

Now, open the cover of the lifejacket, locate the blow tube (hint - it's on the left side), and blow up the bladder.  It will take only about 4 or 5 breaths, and a valve automatically holds the air inside.  For extra credit, locate the strobe light and the whistle attached to the lifejacket.  For even more extra credit, do the whole operation with your eyes closed!

Not so awfully difficult on dry land or in the bathtub or even on a calm, warm day on the lake, but be prepared to do this while treading water in a cold, dark, angry sea!     

Crewsaver Ergofit 40 Pro Inflatable PFD / Life Jacket with Harness HITâ„¢ Automatic Inflatable Life Jacket with HarnessOffshore Automatic Inflatable Life Jacket with HarnessAutomatic Inflatable DeckVestâ„¢ 5D with Harness

Thursday, May 2, 2019

SJRYC pre-season meeting on May 8

Here is a note from last week from Jim Schrager, the SJRYC fleet captain, announcing the pre-season skippers' meeting at the yacht club on Wednesday, May 8, 7:00pm.  

Everyone is invited to attend to learn about the plans for racing this year.

- - - - -

"Just a reminder for your calendars, the SJRYC Pre-Season Skippers' Meeting will happen next Wednesday evening, 7:00PM, 08 May, third floor of the Yacht Club.  Yes, I know the weather is horrible today, and looks bad for the rest of this week, but someday soon the Sun will shine again.

We'll have the 2019 Schedule, the latest updates on the Sailing Instructions, notes about the Rhumbline and the Queen's Cup, as well as getting to meet at the folks involved with the Race Program this season.  This is your chance to sign up and get the paperwork done for the race season in one easy motion.  Paperwork includes the usual Fleet Form (which we will have with us), your check for racing, and a copy of your PHRF Certificate.  

Skippers and all crew are invited.  

See you there, 

Jim Schrager
2019 SJRYC Fleet Captain"