Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunset sail

Beautiful Memorial's Day weekend sunset sail with Aaron's family, along with Dave, Karen, and I.  It was the maiden sail for Mercedes for the 2022 season.  

Thanks to Karen for masterminding wonderful food and drinks!  And thanks to Maya for volunteering to go up the mast to retrieve the jib halyard!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Anchor's Way launched Mercedes today.  All routine.  No leaks.  The engine started right up and ran smoothly.  Had to wait for all 3 bridges to open to get down river.  The boat is safe and secure in her slip at West Basin Marina now. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Boat preparation, racing schedule, sailing instructions

Mercedes has a launch date of Tuesday, May 17, 1:30pm, at Anchor's Way.  No substantial prerequisite projects to prepare for launch this year, especially compared to the nightmare last spring rebuilding the grid mounting structure for the keel, re-bedding and torqueing the keel bolts, and re-installing the hoses and wiring!  

The launch prep tasks are described on the Maintenance tab above, and I will keep the daily schedule up to date in the Upcoming Events sidebar at the right.

St. Joseph River Yacht Club just distributed their 2022 racing schedule, and I have placed all the dates on the Schedule tab above.  Plan ahead!  The only major change from last year is that the Michigan City PHRFection race in August has been discontinued.  The out-of-town and distance races are tentative, depending on interest of the crew.

Also, this year's SJRYC sailing instructions are linked on the Racing tab.  There are very few changes to the conduct of the racing program from last year.