Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Yet another sunset

Here's a great picture of Silk (C&C 110) and Slyaza (J|88) just after the finish on a Wednesday evening race in Lake Michigan.  Photo by Todd Groat.  Beautiful shot!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Person Overboard

The International Sailing Federation has done some research and publishes a guide to retrieval of a person overboard, using what they call the Quick Stop method and describing how a Lifesling works to bring someone on board.  Good information to know.  Check out the full text and diagrams of the guidelines here, and it's also linked on the Resources page.

Friday, June 8, 2018

One Minute Instructional Sailing Videos with Good Info

Here is a link to the American Sailing Association's 'bite-sized' lesson videos.  Good basic information, check them out!


Friday, May 25, 2018

Pea Soup

During our evening sail last week, the fog was as thick as pea soup, as they say!  This is Mercedes sailing up the St. Joseph River, heading back to port. 

Molly, an occupational therapist at Berrien RESA, is the photographer.  What a nice shot!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Hull preparation, from the expert!

What is a picture of a classic Porsche doing here, you may ask?  If you have any interest in beautiful finishes for boats, cars, or airplanes, this post linked here in a sailing forum from Maine Sail is the legendary, definitive, undisputed, always referenced, how-to-get-best-results guide to gelcoat or painted surface de-oxidizing, sanding, compounding, polishing, glazing, and waxing.  Everyone who has tried and erred admits that his advice really works for the most beautiful and long-lasting results! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Mercedes launch preparation

Yo crewmates,   If the weather permits, I'm going to try to follow the schedule below to get the boat ready to be splashed.  Anchor's Way tells me we are blocking a boat that wants to launch, so it's time to get motivated!  Will plan to tackle some inside cabin projects once the boat is in the water, and with less time pressure.

If you have any free time and want to come by, I'd appreciate any help!  Wear old clothes!

Gate combo for the entrance drive into the Anchor's Way boatyard is 3214.  Mercedes is sitting to the left of the drive - turning left at the first opportunity past the barrier gets you close.  I expect to be at the boat all day on the weekend days and afternoon/evening on the weekdays.  Text me first to check - 269.861.5119.  -Chris

Friday, May 4 ..... Acid wash the scum line (maybe take advantage of rain for rinsing).
Saturday, May 5 ..... Light sand the bottom, clean up propeller, set scaffolds, tape off the bottom paint, start compounding/polishing topsides.
Sunday, May 6 ..... Finish compounding/polishing topsides.
Monday, May 7 ..... Wax topsides if weather OK.
Tuesday, May 8 ..... Finish waxing topsides [will not be working after 5pm this day]. 
Wednesday, May 9 ..... Tape off topsides, touch up sanding bottom, clean the bottom.
Thursday, May 10 ..... Apply bottom paint, paint the propeller, if weather OK, or
Friday, May 11 ..... Apply bottom paint, paint the propeller.

This is an optimistic all-success schedule, and the work may spill over into the weekend of May 12 (but that Sunday is Mother's Day).   

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Sailor Changing the World

This is a TED talk by one of our friends, who is also a sailor.

His name is FK Day, he owns SHRAMM bike parts and he's working on changing the world.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Elements of Performance Sailing updated


I added a lot of material to the presentation I created last year entitled "Elements of Performance Sailing", especially in the Sail Trim section.

The document does not have a lot of text explanation embedded, so it's not intended to stand independently, but I think/hope it is useful.  

Find it under the Learning tab, at the very bottom of the page, and linked here.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Change the World by Making Your Bed

Change the World by Making Your Bed is an inspiring commencement address by Admiral William McRaven.  Adds a little perspective to our lives, helps us realize what the important things are, and reinforces that every one person makes a difference.  Take a look!  - Chris

I actually meant to share this on another blog, but I'll leave it here.  Let's rock the sailing world.:-)  - Karen

Monday, April 16, 2018

Sailing: The Basics

Our studious mate Steve Botimer has purchased three extra copies of a sailing book that he offers to lend out!  It is a good introductory book written by Dave Franzel entitled "Sailing: The Basics [The book that has launched thousands]."  

In simple, clear language, it succinctly covers all the basics of sailboats and sailing technique.  Might serve as a good refresher for you for recalling principles, terminology, and what strings do what for trimming sails!  

Let me (Chris) know if you want to borrow a copy.   

Friday, March 23, 2018

Quantum racing articles

Hello crewmates,

Quantum Sails publishes a collection of articles that have really good information about sailing and racing, including rig tune, sail trim, crew work, coaching, maintenance, and cruising lifestyle.  Here is a launch site for Quantum articles.  Good reading!...

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Schedule, etc.

Hello, crewmates,

Is winter coming to an end?  It's starting to look that way.  I'm looking forward to sailing!

I'm starting to populate the racing schedule with dates.  Check out the Schedule tab.

This spring, I have a list of refitting projects that is not too long - like bilge pump install, glasswork for holding tank, stuffing box tightening, compounding/polishing topsides.  If you can help out once or twice, I'd appreciate it!  I'll let you know prospective dates.

Fair skies and warm weather - bring it!    

Friday, January 12, 2018

Chicago Boat Show This Weekend

Hey Sailors, anyone up for the Chicago Sailing Seminars this Saturday? Or Sunday?  I'll be there on Saturday.

There are learning seminars and an expo.  Here's a link for the seminars:  http://www.chicagoboatshow.com/seminars#d20180113

Anyone up for the adventure?